Health and Safety

Health and Safety Policy

King’s Church Beverley

POLICY STATEMENT of the King’s Church

It is the policy of the organisation to comply with the terms of the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and subsequent legislation, to provide and maintain safe and healthy working conditions, equipment and systems of work for all our members of staff and to provide such information, training and supervision as they need for this purpose. 

The organisation also recognises and accepts its responsibility to protect the health and safety of all visitors to the workplace (including contractors, temporary staff and any members of the public) who might be affected by our activities. 

The organisation will also co-operate on health and safety matters with other organisations accommodated within the organisation premises area.

The organisation will provide adequate money, time and resources necessary to ensure that legal obligations for health and safety are met.

A copy of this policy will be issued to each member of staff.  The policy will be kept up to date and the way in which it has operated will be reviewed each year.

The specific arrangements for the implementation of the policy and the personnel responsible are set out below.

King’s Church General Health & Safety Policy

It is the policy of the church to comply with the terms of the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and subsequent legislation, to provide and maintain safe and healthy working conditions, equipment and systems of work for all our members of staff & volunteers and to provide such information, training and supervision as they need for this purpose. 

The church also recognises and accepts its responsibility to protect the health and safety of all visitors to the workplace (including contractors, temporary staff and any members of the public) who might be affected by our activities. The church will also co-operate on health and safety matters with other organisations accommodated within the church premises area.

A copy of this policy will be available to all staff & volunteers.  The policy will be kept up to date and the way in which it has operated will be reviewed each year.

1.1   King’s Church recognises and accepts that every one of its employees, volunteers and visitors to the church is entitled to a safe and healthy environment.

1.2 It is the intention of the Board of Trustees of the church that all appropriate steps will be taken to meet statutory requirements, recognised codes of practice and guidance notes in establishing a safe and healthy environment.

1.3 The overall high quality of the environment will be evidence of a strong ethos of housekeeping, which will permeate the church’s community.

 1.4 All employees have both a duty and a responsibility to take reasonable care to avoid injury to themselves and others and to co-operate to ensure statutory duties and obligations are fulfilled. The church’s Health and Safety Policy can only be successfully implemented with the full cooperation of everyone concerned.

 1.5 All Health and Safety documentation including policies and risk assessments are located at the office with the administrator.

2         Responsibilities

Responsibilities of the trustees:

2.1 In discharging its responsibilities, the Trustees will:

i. Make themselves familiar with the requirements of the appropriate legislation and codes of practice;

ii. Create and monitor a management structure for Health and Safety;

iii. Ensure that there is an effective and enforceable policy for the provision of health and safety throughout the church, and, that it is implemented;

iv. Periodically assess the effectiveness of the policy and ensure that any necessary changes are made;

v. Identify and evaluate risks relating to possible accidents and incidents connected with the church-sponsored activities, including work experience.

 2.2 In particular, the Trustees undertake to provide as far as is reasonably practicable:

i. A safe place for all users of the site to work, including safe means of entry and exit;

ii. Equipment and systems of work that are safe;

iii. Safe and healthy working conditions that take account of appropriate statutory requirements, code of practice and guidance;

iv. Supervision, training and instruction so that all staff and volunteers can perform their Church related activities in a healthy and safe manner;

Responsibilities of the Senior Pastor

2.3 The Senior Pastor has responsibility for the day-to-day development and implementation of safe working practices and conditions for all staff, volunteers and visitors. The Senior Pastor will take all reasonably practicable steps to ensure that the Health and Safety policy is implemented.

Responsibilities of all members of staff

2.4 All staff are expected to familiarise themselves with the Health and Safety aspects of their work and avoid conduct which would put themselves or anyone else at risk.

2.5 All members of staff and volunteers will:

i. Be familiar with the Health and Safety Policy and all safety requirements laid down by the Trustees;

ii. Ensure that other staff, volunteers, visitors and contractors are applying Health and Safety regulations, rules, routines and procedures effectively;

iii. See that all equipment is in good and safe working order and adequately guarded, and not make or allow improper use of such equipment;

iv. Use the correct equipment and tools for the job and any protective equipment or safety devices that may be supplied;

v. Ensure that toxic, hazardous and highly flammable substances are correctly used, stored and labelled;

vi. Report any defects in the premises, equipment and facilities that they observe to the Organsational Leader.

vii. Take an active interest in promoting Health and Safety and suggest ways of reducing risks.

viii. No member of staff shall intentionally or recklessly interfere with or misuse anything provided in the interests of health, safety or welfare in pursuance of any of the relevant statutory provisions. 

3         Health & Safety Arrangements 

A. Fire Safety

3.01   The church’s evacuation procedure will be prominently displayed in all rooms, offices and warehouse areas. All staff and volunteers must be fully conversant with the procedures for evacuation of the premises in case of a fire/bomb threat. The evacuation and safety of visitors and contractors will be the responsibility of the person who they are visiting or working for.

3.02 All fire fighting equipment will be checked annually by an approved contractor and records maintained. The fire alarm will be tested weekly from different points and records maintained.

3.03 It is the responsibility of all staff to be aware of fire hazards, to know the location of fire exits and the assembly point. Everyone must know the fire drill instructions, and these will be part of the induction process for all new staff and volunteers.

Access to escape doors, extinguishers and other fire fighting equipment must not be obstructed and all staff and group leaders will be instructed on their use.

3.04 The Senior Pastor is responsible for carrying out Fire Drills and will arrange at least three each year.  He is responsible for ensuring that staff are aware of the evacuation procedures. 

3.05  Visitors to the organisation and all the organisation staff, including volunteers, must be made fully aware of the escape routes and the organisation assembly points.


        If the fire Alarm sounds (a continuous single pitch note)       Evacuate the building immediately by the nearest exit.       Ensure any visitors leave the building.       Do not put yourself at risk.       Assemble at the main entrance gate.       Do not re-enter the building for any reason until the Office Manager or fire brigade confirm that it is safe to so.       If You Discover A Fire       Raise the alarm by operating the break glass switch at the nearest Fire Alarm call Point.  These are located  at the front and back entrances       Evacuate the building immediately as above.  


3.07 All accidents to staff, volunteers and visitors must be reported, in writing, using the church’s accident book. The completed form should be given to the Charities Administrator. Certain accidents must be reported to the Health and Safety Executive under the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995 (RIDDOR).


3.08 First aid can save lives and prevent minor injuries becoming major ones. Under health and safety legislation, employers have to ensure that there are adequate and appropriate equipment and facilities for providing first aid in the workplace.

3.09 The Senior Pastor should ensure that the number of certified first-aiders will not, at any time, be less than the number required by law. In addition, supplies of first aid material should be held at various locations throughout the Church. These supplies should be checked on a regular basis by a qualified first-aider.

3.10 First Aid Treatment can be administered by a number of on-site medical volunteers:

These are currently (2018) Jill Walker.  Additional treatement can also be carried out by qualified people within Jacob’s Well, including Dr’s Beynon, Alistair and Margaret Robertson and a number of other qualified and retired nurses who work on site. Information of who is on site at any given time can be obtained by asking at the Jacob’s Well office.

3.12 When new equipment is purchased, it is the responsibility of the Organsational Leader to ensure that it meets appropriate educational standards and that its installation and use conforms to Health and Safety requirements.

3.13 Equipment, materials and chemicals must be stored in the appropriate storage containers and areas. All containers must be labelled with the correct hazard sign and contents label. Managers should consider storage life when ordering new supplies. 

4 Visitors to the Church Site

4.1 Outside of public meetings, all visitors to the church will report to the member of staff they are visiting. Visitors will be shown to the building they need to be in by a member of staff or a volunteer.

4.2 No contractor may undertake work on the church site without permission from the Organsational Leader other than in an emergency, e.g. fire, flooding or to make safe following theft/vandalism.

4.3 Contractors are responsible for the Health and Safety of their employees and for their safe working practices, which must not constitute a hazard to staff, students and visitors to the church

4.4 Whilst on site, all visitors and contractors must wear official identification  

4.5 If a member of staff or volunteer meets someone on site who they do not recognise they should, if they do not feel threatened, enquire if the person needs assistance and direct them as appropriate.

4.6 If an intruder is uncooperative in going where directed or leaving the site, or a member of staff feels threatened, or is threatened with violence or a violent attack takes place, immediate help from the Police should be sought by telephone.

 5 Security

5.1 All staff and volunteers should be conscious of all aspects of the security of people and property. In particular, the emergency exit doors on the outer perimeter of the buildings should only be used in the event of emergencies and kept secure at all other times.

5.2 Maintaining security is aimed at reducing the opportunity for unauthorised persons to enter the buildings through non-designated access points. It is also necessary to be alert to the possible presence of unauthorised persons on site who may constitute a threat to staff, volunteers, visitors and contractors. 

5.3 All Staff and Volunteers must sign in and out – sign-in book is found at the entrance to the office

6 Critical Incidents

6.1 As part of its commitment for the well being of staff, volunteers and visitors, the church has set out a procedure which is to be adopted in the event of a critical incident occurring either on the Church premises or on an activity away from the church site.

 7 Monitoring, Evaluation and Review

 7.1  Review

The Trustees will review this policy at least every two years and assess its implementation and effectiveness. The policy will be promoted and implemented throughout the Church.


The organisation will ensure that new members of staff and volunteers receive information on health and safety as part of their induction. We insist upon continual registration with a professional body / accreditation for work in their profession, and yearly inspection of registration certificates.

The organisation will organise training for members of staff and volunteers on health and safety matters as appropriate, including: general health and safety training, first aid, manual handling, fire safety, risk assessment.  The organisation will also organise training for appropriate use of equipment, and any special training needed to ensure safe systems of work.

If members of staff and volunteers consider they have health and safety training needs they should inform their line manager.




8.01 The organisation has a responsibility to provide a safe and healthy environment for staff and volunteers.  The Office Manager will be responsible for liaising with appropriate agencies to ensure that any repairs are carried out swiftly with the minimum of disruption.

8.02 All the organisation staff are responsible for spotting hazards or potential hazards. If a hazard is seen, it should be removed or dealt with as soon as possible, or if not, reported to the Office Manager.


Things out of reach:

Chairs or other furniture must not be used to stand on for the purposes of replacing light bulbs, reaching for things off tops of cupboards etc.  A properly maintained, undamaged step ladder must be used. 

Damaged Equipment:

Regular checks must be carried out on furniture and equipment for damage which leave sharp edges protruding or other hazards. Any damaged furniture must be reported for repair or condemnation straight away and must be removed from use.

Damage to Fabric of Building, Windows etc:

All such damage must be reported immediately to the Office Manager.

Misplaced Furniture, Equipment or Supplies:

Any furniture, equipment or supplies left in an inappropriate place, for example obstructing a gangway, must be removed immediately, and placed in an appropriate, safe place.


Gangways must be kept clear from obstructions and materials must be stored in safe areas.  Under no circumstances must goods or materials be stacked immediately in front of or obstructing fire doors, fire exits, fire alarms or fire equipment.


The organisation is a non smoking building.  Staff may smoke only in the designated smoking area which is outside the rear exit.


The general minimum space per person, recommended by the 1992 Regulations is 11 cubic metres. The organisation will avoid unhealthy and overcrowded working conditions, and will consult staff on any changes in office layout.


The organisation will endeavour to provide a well ventilated workplace in which staff have control over their local level of ventilation.


In office workplaces a minimum temperature of 16°C must be maintained, Efforts will be made so far as is reasonably practical to ensure the workplace temperature does not rise to an uncomfortable level. A thermometer will be provided in a conspicuous place and in such a position as to be easily seen. The organisation will do all in its power to ensure reasonable temperatures in the workplace at all times.


Adequate lighting must be provided. If lights are found to be out of order, the fault must be corrected as soon as reasonably possible.

8.09 NOISE

Some the organisation staff work within an open plan office and therefore a certain level of noise is unavoidable, however the organisation will endeavour to ensure that noise are kept to as low a level as is practicable.


Office equipment such as photocopiers and printers can emit pollutants into the atmosphere. The organisation will take reasonable precautions in ensuring that these levels are kept as low as is possible. Members of staff will not be expected to work in enclosed spaces with equipment that emit atmospheric pollutants. Spaces where these pollutants are present shall be kept well ventilated.


– Equipment must not be left lying around but must be suitably stored.

– No wires must be left trailing across floors.

– Non flammable rubbish bins must be positioned at various points.

– Except in emergencies, and with the permission of the Coordinator, no paraffin, bar electric or calor gas fires will be used at the organisation premises.


All building maintenance such as electrical work, carpentry, painting etc should be carried out by skilled people. No staff should endanger themselves or others by carrying out such work.

Broken, ineffective or damaged electrical equipment must be reported to the Office Manager.  Staff should never perform unsafe practices such as:  jamming wires in sockets with matchsticks or nails, improvising a junction box, running power tools from lamp sockets so that they cannot be earthed, forcing a plug into the wrong socket, using improvised wrongly rated fuses for the current that the equipment is carrying, hanging cables on nails or allowing them to trail in pools of water, using equipment with the earth wire pulled out of its terminal, misusing an earthing clamp on welding sets etc.  Computers should not be taken to bits whilst plugged into the mains. 



The organisation will seek to ensure that suitable and sufficient toilets and washing facilities are provided for all staff in accordance with the minimum requirements of Health and Safety legislation, i.e.:

Number at work                                Number of toilets/washbasins

 1-5                                                                  1

 6-25                                                                2

26-50                                                               3

– Each toilet will be in a separate, lockable room.

– washing facilities will include a supply of clean hot and cold water, soap and suitable means of drying (e.g. paper towels)


An adequate supply of drinking water will be provided for all staff.


So far as is reasonably practicable the organisation will provide all staff with seating in a rest area, where they may rest during normal work breaks.


Suitable rest facilities will be provided for pregnant members of staff.


The organisation members of staff should not work excessively long hours, and should take adequate breaks for meals and rest as indicated within their statements of terms and conditions of employment.



8.18 Office Security

It is in the nature of the organisation’s work that staff or volunteers may, on occasions, find themselves in potentially dangerous situations whilst on the organisation business. The following policy is concerned to minimise the risk to people working for the organisation.

8.19 Where staff are dealing with an individual but feel uneasy about being alone with him or her, they have the right to refuse to make an appointment or give access if it would put them in that position. In these situations the organisation management will put their trust in the feelings of the worker.

8.20 All windows and entry doors will be lockable.


8.21 Staff who are going to be away on the organisation business should make it clear to other staff where they will be, how long for and how they can be contacted.

8.22 If in the course of a trip away from the office plans change significantly, this should be communicated back to the office.

8.23 Staff should make clear who they wish to be informed (outside of work) in the event of an emergency and how they can normally be contacted.


8.24 Staff that carry money for the organisation have the right to be accompanied by another person.

8.25 Large amounts of cash, over and above petty cash should not be kept on the organisation premises.

8.26 Visits to the bank should not be at a regular time.

8.27 Under no circumstances should staff put themselves at risk on account of the organisation’s property. If money or assets are demanded with threats, they should be handed over.

PERSONAL AWARENESS: There are lots of things we already do that keep us safe, but becoming more aware of our surroundings puts us in control of our environment. The following steps are recommended to the organisation staff as being helpful.

8.28 WHILST OUT AND ABOUT: Trust your intuition and listen to your feelings. If you sense something is wrong, it probably is. Acting on intuition may prevent an aggressive situation.

8.29 Be prepared. Do you know whom to contact and what to do if a difficult situation arises? Find out and if there is no one designated, ask for a supervisor of manager to be nominated.

8.30 Be observant. Notice everything around you – exit doors, telephones, windows, sources of help. This will make you more aware of your surroundings and help you escape if you need to.

8.31 Assess potential risks. Avoid dangerous short cuts, walk facing the traffic on the street side of pavements, think about where you park your car and remember where you have parked it.

8.32 Make sure you have all relevant information with you. Have you checked to see if there is a known problem with whom you are or where you are going?

8.33 Look confident. “Walking tall” and being aware of your surroundings deters assailants.

8.34 Never stay in a situation where you think you may be at risk. Don’t feel you have to stay because of your work. You can see the client, arrange the visit or do the interview again. You can ask a colleague to come in or be with you. Don’t be afraid to ask for help.

8.35 Be aware of personal space – yours and others. Encroaching on other peoples personal space can make them aggressive. If other people are too close to you and making you uncomfortable, ask for more space or move away.

8.36 Don’t accept lifts in vehicles from people you have no reason to trust.

8.37 Think about what you are wearing, can you run if you need to?


If you find yourself in an aggressive situation, what can you do?

 8.39 Try to stay calm if someone is starting to get angry.  Your body language, voice and response can help to defuse a situation. Take a deep breath, keep your voice on an even keel, and try to help.

8.40 Offer an angry person a range of options from which they can choose the one they prefer. They will find it difficult to stay angry.

8.41 Do not be aggressive back – this is how anger can escalate into violence.

8.42 Are you the best person to deal with this situation? Going to get someone else if often helpful particularly if they can solve a problem that you can’t.

8.43 Get on the same level as the aggressor. If they are standing so should you.  It makes you feel less vulnerable and makes it easier for you to get away or fetch help if necessary.

8.44 Keep your balance and keep your distance.

8.45 Do not touch someone who is angry.

8.46 Don’t let your escape route be blocked.

8.47 Keep yourself between an escape route and an aggressor so you can still get away.

8.48 If the situation is dangerous, then get away as fast as you can. Never remain alone with an actively violent person.

8.49 If you cannot get away, then scream or use the panic alarm.


8.50 All incidents of aggression or violence should be reported to management and recorded in the accident book.

8.51 Employers have a responsibility to provide a safe working environment.  Staff should report any current or potential situation at work which is a threat to personal safety. Talking about fear and other problems related to aggression or harassment are not marks of failure but good practice. A serious incident, even if it results in no physical harm, may cause feelings of fear, panic or despair which can carry on long afterwards. When any serious incident occurs a SUI form must be completed, and reported to the line management. The management of the organisation recognises this and will be disposed to provide whatever support, counselling or time off work seems appropriate.



It is the policy of the organisation to comply with the law as set out in the Health and Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations 1992.  The organisation will conduct health and safety assessments of all workstations staffed by members of staff who use VDU screens as part of their usual work.  All workstations must meet the requirements set out in the Schedule to the Regulations.   Appropriate seating will be made available to all users.   If you feel that your work station or seating is unsuitable, it is your responsibility to report the issue to the office manager.

8.53 Staff will take regular breaks (at least 10 minutes away for every hour at the screen). Short frequent breaks are more satisfactory than occasional longer breaks.


Resources will be sought by the organisation to:-

(a)        Provide VDUs with a detachable and adjustable screen, i.e. in height, swivel etc, to allow for the individual preference of the operator.

(b)        Provide computer cleaning supplies.

(c)        Provide keyboards which are separate from screens.

(d)       Provide anti glare screens, where direct light cannot be prevented from falling on the screen.

(e)        Provide adequate workstation space.


 The following information should be read and applied by all computer users:

■ Forearms should be approximately horizontal and the user’s eyes should be the same height as the top of the screen.

■ Make sure there is enough work space to accommodate all documents or other equipment. A document holder may help avoid awkward neck and eye movements.

■ Arrange the desk and screen to avoid glare, or bright reflections. This is often easiest if the screen is not directly facing windows or bright lights. Health and Safety Working with display screen equipment (DSE) Page 3 of 6

■ Adjust curtains or blinds to prevent intrusive light.

■ Make sure there is space under the desk to move legs.

■ Avoid excess pressure from the edge of seats on the backs of legs and knees. A footrest may be helpful, particularly for smaller users. Well-designed workstations Keyboards and keying in (typing)

■ A space in front of the keyboard can help you rest your hands and wrists when not keying.

■ Try to keep wrists straight when keying.

■ Good keyboard technique is important – you can do this by keeping a soft touch on the keys and not overstretching the fingers. Using a mouse

■ Position the mouse within easy reach, so it can be used with a straight wrist.

■ Sit upright and close to the desk to reduce working with the mouse arm stretched.

■ Move the keyboard out of the way if it is not being used.

■ Support the forearm on the desk, and don’t grip the mouse too tightly.

■ Rest fingers lightly on the buttons and do not press them hard. Reading the screen

■ Make sure individual characters on the screen are sharp, in focus and don’t flicker or move. If they do, the DSE may need servicing or adjustment.

■ Adjust the brightness and contrast controls on the screen to suit lighting conditions in the room.

■ Make sure the screen surface is clean.

■ When setting up software, choose text that is large enough to read easily on screen when sitting in a normal comfortable working position.

■ Select colours that are easy on the eye (avoid red text on a blue background, or vice versa). Changes in activity Breaking up long spells of DSE work helps prevent fatigue, eye strain, upper limb problems and backache. As the employer you need to plan, so users can interrupt prolonged use of DSE with changes of activity. Organised or scheduled rest breaks may sometimes be a solution. The following may help users:

■ Stretch and change position.

■ Look into the distance from time to time, and blink often.

■ Change activity before users get tired, rather than to recover.

■ Short, frequent breaks are better than longer, infrequent ones. Timing and length of changes in activity or breaks for DSE use is not set down in law and arrangements will vary depending on a particular situation. Employers are not responsible for providing breaks for the self-employed. Portable computers These same controls will also reduce the DSE risks associated with portable computers. However, the following may also help reduce manual handling, fatigue and postural problems:

■ Consider potential risks from manual handling if users have to carry heavy equipment and papers. Health and Safety Working with display screen equipment (DSE) Page 4 of 6

■ Whenever possible, users should be encouraged to use a docking station or firm surface and a full-sized keyboard and mouse.

■ The height and position of the portable’s screen should be angled so that the user is sitting comfortably and reflection is minimised (raiser blocks are commonly used to help with screen height).

■ More changes in activity may be needed if the user cannot minimise the risks of prolonged use and awkward postures to suitable levels.

■ While portable systems not in prolonged use are excluded from the regulations some jobs will use such devices intermittently and to support the main tasks. The degree and intensity of use may vary. Any employer who provides such equipment still has to risk assess and take steps to reduce residual risks.


The Office Manager should hold copies of manufacturers’ detailed instructions on the maintenance of machinery, and will ensure that maintenance contracts are adhered to and, where appropriate, renewed.


Where a member of staff is experiencing eyesight problems attributable to their work with VDUs she/he will be entitled to have an eyesight test paid for by the organisation.

Where a test shows that as a result of work with the organisation VDUs a member of staff needs to purchase special corrective appliances (usually glasses) the organisation will pay for a basic pair of these. This excludes those normally used for purposes other than work with VDUs.


Work Related Upper Limb Disorders (also known as Repetitive Strain Injury) are often associated with keyboard work. It is the intention of the organisation, by following best advice to provide VDU/keyboard equipment and furniture which help prevent the development of these musculoskeletal disorders. Staff however should contribute to their own safety and welfare by:

–  avoiding sitting in the same position for long periods

–  adjusting equipment and furniture to appropriate/comfortable positions

–  taking a rest break from VDU work (at least 10 minutes away every hour) by doing some other work.


All areas must be kept clean and tidy.

Toilets must be washed regularly and kept clean.

If practicable all wash basins should be provided with hot water, soap, clean paper towels or hand dryers.

Disposal bins for sanitary products are provided.  Bins should be emptied and sanitised regularly.


8.64 The organisation members of staff should avoid manual lifting where at all possible.  However, members of staff may occasionally be required to manually lift and handle loads. Correct manual lifting and handling reduces the effort required and prevents strain and risk of injury. 

8.65 All members of staff should use aids which are available to reduce the risk of injury, e.g. sack trolley.

8.66 Members of staff should not put themselves at risk by attempting to lift heavy loads which could be divided into smaller quantities. If any load weighs more than 25kg or if a load is awkward to lift, the staff member should ask a colleague to help with the lift. When lifting in a team take instructions from one person only.

8.67 Members of staff should lift according to the 6 steps on how to lift a heavy object listed below.

8.68 Any member of staff feeling a strain should stop immediately and record the incident in the Accident Book. To continue may result in more serious injury.


Using the proper technique when moving boxes, heavy furniture, or other objects will greatly reduce the risk of injury and soreness. Jobs that require you to consistently move heavy objects especially require that you learn and consistently use the proper technique to keep yourself safe, each and every time.

1) Take some time to examine the object that you will move. 

  • Test the item’s weight by picking up one corner of the item, or push it with your foot to gauge if you need another Person, or some form of equipment to pick up the

            object. Will it be too heavy for you to lift without help?

  • Take some time to examine boxes you might be moving for holes or other weak spots that might fall out while you’re carrying. Is there anything that might shift, causing an


  • Is the object slippery, or difficult to get a grip on? You might consider using some tacky-grip moving gloves to help make the move safely, with a secure grip on the object. 

2. Map out a safe route.

  • If you’re carrying the item somewhere, make sure there’s nothing in your way. Remove any obstacles, toys or other objects you may trip over on the route to your


  • Be aware of stairs or uneven floors, as well. Even if you’re not having someone help you carry the object itself, it’s helpful to have a spotter, who can tell you when you’re getting close to doorways or other obstacles, especially if the object obscures your vision in any way.

3. Stand close to the load that you have to carry. 

  • With your feet placed shoulder-width apart, tighten your abdominal muscles and bend your knees and hips to get into a squatting position.
  • Look straight ahead, keeping your head back to complete the proper lifting form.
  • Arrange or gather the object so that it will not slip, move, or change its balance when you lift it.
  • Grip the object while in squatting position.

4. Drive up with your heels. 

  • When you’ve got a hold of the object, keep it close to your body, and push up, straightening your knees into a standing position, maintaining a straight back.
  • It’s very important to keep your back straight and to drive up from your heels, not from your toes or the balls of your feet, which can cause you to lose your balance, as well as putting strain on your knees.
  • Look up while lifting. By looking up, you will position your spine in a way that reduces the opportunity for injury.
  • Never jerk upright, or yank on the object to lift it. Go slowly. You can seriously injure your back, knees, or arms by trying to go too fast.

5. Carry or hold the item. 

  • Depending on the situation, you may need to carry the object to a new location or hold it in one position for a length of time.
  • Bend your knees slightly as you carry the item.
  • Take small steps and change direction by pivoting your feet.

            If you’re standing, keep your knees bent and control your breathing with deep, rhythmic   breaths so you don’t get dizzy.

6. Put the item down. 

  • Return to the squatting position using your leg muscles, not your back muscles. Keep your back straight.
  • Make sure to continue holding the item close to your body as you lower it in its place.
  • You can strain your arm muscles and lose your balance, or drop the object, if you start letting it shift around as you prepare to set it down.
  • Set it down gently


Stress at work is a serious issue: workers can suffer severe medical problems, which can result in under-performance at work, and cause major disruptions to the organisation. Throughout the UK 90 million working days each year are lost as a result of stress, costing employers £1.3 billion. (TUC/Dept of Health).  Stress is a workplace hazard that must be dealt with like any other. Thus the responsibility for reducing stress at work lies both with employer and member of staff.

8.71 The Health and Safety Executive has identified the following primary causes of stress at work:

  ContextOrganisational function and culture  Poor task environmentLack of definition of objectivesPoor problem solving environmentPoor development environmentPoor communicationNon supportive culture
  Role in organisation  Role ambiguityRole conflict
  Career development  Career uncertaintyCareer stagnationPoor status/status incongruityPoor payJob insecurity and redundancyLow social value of work
  Decision latitude/control  Low participation in decision makingLack of control over workLittle decision making in work                       Overload of decision making
  Interpersonal relationships at work  Social or physical isolationPoor relationships with superiorsInterpersonal conflict and violenceLack of social support
  Home/work interface  Conflicting demands of home and workLow social or practical support at homeDual career problems
  ContentsTask design  Poorly defined workHigh uncertainty in workLack of variety, or short work cycles Fragmented or meaningless workUnder-utilisation of skillContinual exposure to client/customer groups
  Workload/pace/schedule(quantitative/qualitative)  Inflexible work scheduleUnpredictable work hoursLong or unsocial work hours

8.72 The organisation will do all it can to eradicate problems relating to stress at work. In particular the organisation will:

*          Ensure close member of staff involvement, particularly during periods of change.

*          Give opportunities for staff to contribute in the planning and organisation of their own jobs.

*          Ensure staff have work targets that are stretching, but reasonable.

*          Implement effective policies and procedures for dealing with bullying and any form of harassment

*          Encourage good communications between staff and management.

*          Promote the maintenance of a supportive culture in the workplace.

*          Where appropriate, take into consideration a member of staff’s personal problems/problems at             home.

*          Ensure members of staff avoid working long and unsocial hours.

The organisation will ensure that all policies, working practices, conditions of employment etc do not contradict with the above statement.

Members of staff should become aware of the causes of stress, and ensure that they do not work in a way which could cause them to suffer an increase in stress, nor cause an increase in stress on others.

Members of staff must respect other members of staff, and ensure that interpersonal conflicts are avoided or dealt with sensibly.

Members of staff must not make unrealistic demands of other workers, by imposing impossible deadlines and/or increasing others’ workloads to a level they cannot cope with.

Members of staff should participate with the organisation’s intention to maintain a co-operative, supportive workplace environment.

8.73 If a member of staff is suffering from stress at work, they should discuss this with their line manager or Office Manager at the first opportunity.  Where practicable and reasonable, the organisation will seek to provide assistance to the member of staff.


The car park is uneven in places,  Care should be taken not to trip over uneven concrete


Workplace Drug and Alcohol Policy

9.46 Introduction

King’s Church recognises that alcohol and drug abuse related problems are an area of health and social concern.  The Church also recognises that alcohol and drug abuse related problems can have a detrimental effect on work performance and behaviour.  The Church has a duty under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 to ensure, as far as is reasonably practicable, the health, welfare and safety of the volunteers and staff.   Nearly 18% of drink driving convictions occur the morning after.  King’s church also has a responsibility under the Road Traffic Act 1988 and the Transport and Works Act 1992 to ensure that all its drivers (of road vehicles or fork-lift trucks) must not be under the influence of alcohol while driving, Attempting to drive whilst under the influence of drugs or alcohol endangers lives and is a criminal offence.  This policy applies to all staff and volunteers.

9.47 Responsibility

It is the responsibility of all managers to implement this policy under the overall supervision of the Chief Executive Officer. 

9.48 Rules

During working hours and at all times whilst on the Church’s premises, it is the Church’s policy that employees and volunteers must be free from the influence of alcohol and drugs. 

No employee or volunteer shall report to work when unfit due to alcohol or drugs.  Whether a worker is unfit is at the reasonable opinion of management. 

All personnel should be aware of the side effects of any prescription drugs and make management aware of any such side effects.

Contravention of these rules will constitute serious misconduct and at the very least will lead to a written warning.  The Church in these circumstances will seek to support the worker concerned in a totally confidential manner.  Any repetition whilst being supported will constitute gross misconduct and the Church will take disciplinary action which may result in summary dismissal.

9.49 Testing Policy

All personnel who may drive the Church’s vehicles or fork lift truck will be tested periodically and randomly. 

Where there is a reasonable belief that an individual is under the influence of alcohol (for example if there was a strong smell of alcohol on the person’s breath) they will be breathalysed before being allowed to drive.  Failing the breath test will result in them being immediately sent home.

Anyone refusing to be tested will be ineligible to drive until such time as they have taken a test.

Where a worker tests positive, they will not be allowed to drive without being breathalysed for a period of one month.

9.50 Supporting people with a drink problem

King’s church will endeavour to ensure that advice and help is made available to anyone working for the Church who feels they have a drug or alcohol related problem.  In the first instance, this will involve encouraging them to seek help from their GP.  Under these circumstances and with the worker’s consent, a referral may be made to the Occupational Health Service.  Unpaid time off work to attend treatment or support groups will also be granted. 

9.51 Confidentiality

At all times, anyone seeking the assistance of the Church in finding treatment or counselling has the Church’s complete assurance of confidentiality.


The organisation will ensure that a competent person carries out a risk assessment in accordance with the 1992 Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations and the Approved Code of Practice (ACOP). This risk assessment will be written up, and be made available to all staff.

The written risk assessment will be reviewed and updated annually to ensure it covers all members of staff against all risks, and to ensure that any action identified as needed in the risk assessment has been carried out.  The risk assessment will also be updated every time that there is a major change in working practices. The risk assessment will cover all the organisation members of staff, wherever they may be based, and will cover all aspects of their work.

Car Park

Description of potential riskPotential damage/injuryAction/response in Place
There are designated car parking spaces in the yard where vehicles park. Addition traffic comes to the yard with deliveries, or other businesses in the yard.  Risk of pedestrian being hit by car> Staff and volunteers are given an induction about vehicle movements and safe walking areas within the yard.  > Visitors will be made aware of safe walking areas if they have need to walk around the site. > Speed bumps have been fitted to reduce the speed of vehicle traffic
Vans and cars making deliveries.Risk of pedestrian being hit by car/vanStaff should keep well clear of any arriving vehicle and if it is reversing another member of staff should ensure necessary space behind vehicle is kept clear.
Shared site entrance for traffic and pedestrians.  Risk of pedestrian being hit by car/vanPedestrians should be aware of active traffic when leaving site and should wait for traffic to pass before leaving
Uneven car park with the odd bit of concrete or metal jutting.  Tripping/fallingAnyone crossing car park should mind there footing and try to avoid obvious hazards.  The most serious trip hazards have been painted yellow
Drain used by lorries to dispose of portaloo waste. An attachable drainage pipe is suspended on the fence at the edge of the site.This is a potentially harmful health hazardThis is not on the direct route to offices or warehouse and is not encountered by those entering or leaving the site in the normal way by car or on foot.

Office and Garden

Description of potential riskPotential damage/injuryAction/response in Place
Garden between office and bungalow. Grassed area. May be slippy when wet. Rotary drier Not involved in the charities activities
Floor mats    Some mats are not secure and can move around when stepped on presenting slipping hazard.Anyone new to the church should be notified over the fact the mats moved. Ideally should be replaced/removed
  Kitchen areaKitchen area presents risk of burns from kettle, slipping risk from water on floor and cups could present cutting risk if one was dropped on floor.  General common sense and care should be sufficient when dealing with hot water and broken cups. If collecting pieces of a broken cup alerting people entering the office as to what has happened and using a dustpan and brush to collect piece should be enough.

Manual Handling

Description of potential riskPotential damage/injuryAction/response in Place
Improper lifting when handling equipmentPersonal injury may result should incorrect technique be usedManual lifting guidance included in Health and Safety policy.

Risk Assessment Form         King’s Church Bus

Identify the hazards  Decide who may be harmedEvaluate the risks & decide on precautionsHazard Level
Bus users running onto the roadAll users, especially young childrenThere is a risk of children running out of the bus and onto the road.  To minimise the risk, always park the bus with the doors onto the footpath or grass area.  Don’t allow young children to leave the bus without parents or a responsible carer. Medium
There are steps to get on and off the bus  All users, especially young children and elderlyThere is a risk of people falling down the steps.  To minimise the risk, the steps are marked with hazard tape.  There is a “Mind the Step” sign clearly visible at both sides of the step.  Workers should watch the entrance way and offer to help any users who may require assistanceMedium
Minor InjuriesChildren using scissors, other users fallingThere is a first aid box at the front of the bus.  It is recommended that there is always a first-aider available when clubs are run on the busLow
Fire riskAll users  There is an extremely low risk of fire.  The bus runs on diesel which is not easily flammable.  There is not much flammable material on the bus.  In the event of a fire, users can exit the bus by the front door or, in an emergency by the emergency exit at the rear.  These exits should always be kept clear and not obstructed.  There is a fire extinguisher at the front of the bus near to the driver’s door.Low
Door between entrance and rest of busAll usersThe door should either be kept closed (to keep heat in during the winter) or fastened back with the hook provided to avoid risk of trapping fingers. Low
Drivers CockpitAll usersNo user should be allowed into the drivers cockpit, especially children. Medium
Top windowsAll usersOnly adults should open these windows to minimise the risk of trapping fingers in the windowLow
Back emergency DoorAll usersThere is a steep drop out of the emergency exit at the back of the bus.  This door should not be opened except in an emergency.  Leaders should watch to ensure that no children are playing with the handle 
Sports EquipmentAll usersThere is a low risk of injuries caused by using the Table Tennis table, Table football or swingball that are available for use on the bus. These activities need to be supervised by a suitable adult to ensure that they are operated safely and that no-one is injured. They must be positioned at least 4 metres away from any road. There is a risk of children running after balls from this equipment.  The supervising staff member should stand between the equipment and the road to ensure that no children run onto the road whilst using the equipment.  The equipment must only be assembled and dismantled by trained adults.  Any children misusing the equipment must be asked to stop, to avoid harm to other children.Medium
Gas leakageAll usersIn the winter there may be a gas heater on the bus.  There is a small chance of gas leakage.  There is a carbon monoxide detector to detect if this is the case.  This alarm should be tested regularly by pressing the “test” buttonLow
LitterThe environment of the eventRisk level;  Medium Make sure that any litter that is dropped is cleared away after the event.Medium
In Transit – items flying aroundThe driver or passengersThe bus is only insured to carry 5 passengers.  When the bus is in transit, the moveable items like chairs and tables should be fastened down with straps to prevent them flying through the air in the event of a collision.  There are several fastening points around the bus, including the steel frames of the bolted down chairs.  Tables can be laid flat on the floor and placed behind chairs or bulkheads so that they can’t move forward.  Loose items shold be placed in the lockers under seats.Medium
Risk of electric shockAny usersThere are a couple of 240V sockets on the bus and fluorescent lights that run off 240v.  These are only empowered if the bus is “plugged in” to an external power point.  In this event, plug sockets should not be touched and covered with safety sockets.  Any electrical items used should be Pat tested. Likewise, the ceiling lights should not be touched by users.     There is also a low voltage lighting system and a music player that runs off a 12v battery.  The battery is housed in a safe cupboard which should only be accessed by trained leaders.  The LED low voltage lights should not be touched by any users. 
DrivingThose driving the busOnly suitably qualified people should drive the bus.  This includes those with a bus/coach licence, drivers of HGV vehicles and those that have passed the King’s Church driving safety test. 


Local health and safety inspector’s office and telephone number:

County Hall, Beverley, E.Yorkshire tel 01482 887700

Health and Safety Executive Publications – Free leaflets on all aspects of Health and Safety:

HSE Books, PO Box 1999, Sudbury, Suffolk CO10 6FS.  Tel: 01787 881165.

Health and Safety – for information tel. 08701 545500

London Hazards Centre – Advice, training and COSHH data sheets etc: