King’s Church Beverley hosts a wide range of community activities and is home to a growing congregation which is rapidly filling its existing space. Its regular weekly activities include a number of meetings which require catering, ranging from after church coffee & tea, pizza’s for the youth club, toast & marmalade for the parents & tots and a full cooked meal for the Thursday lunch club. Anyone who has worked in our existing kitchen will tell you that our existing facilities are completely inadequate for what we do in them.
We believe that God is calling us to be a mission church, reaching out into the community with the gospel of Christ. We are convinced that being able to offer people food alongside the activities that we provide will be an important part of drawing new people into God’s family. Our growing family also needs more space. The new extension will feature a 10 buggy parking space, an entrance lobby plus two additional toilets.
The new building will add approximately 31 square metres of new space on the side of our existing church hall. It will be constructed as a timber-framed construction coated in Plastisol (plastic coated metal), similar to the rest of our buildings. We plan to do most of the construction work ourselves, as we did with our previous extensions, just using a limited amount of professional help where needed.
The estimated cost will be around £30K and we hope to complete the project by the summer of 2024.
I am aware that 30K is a large amount to raise quickly for a small congregation. However we serve a big God. During each previous building project, God has been amazingly faithful and our congregation and friends have been amazingly supportive, enabling us to complete each project debt free.
If you would like to make a donation, whether large or small to our building fund, here’s how you can do it;
1) donate on our web-site www.kingschurchbeverley.org from Monday 29th Jan.
2) Donate through internet banking with the reference BUILDING. Our bank details are; Account name; King’s Church Beverley; Account number; 00784377; Sort Code: 30-10-76.
Donate via paypal Donate (kingschurchbeverley.org) If you donate this way please email the office and let us know it was for the building project.
3) Send a cheque or cash to our office at “King’s Church Beverley”, Swinemoor Lane, Beverley HU17 0JX. Make sure it’s clear that it’s for the “BUILDING” fund
4) If you are at our services, you can put a gift in the collection in a special “BUILDING FUND” envelope, available at from the sound desk. You can also make a debit/credit card donation to the building fund during the Sunday Services.
5) We will be holding a special gift days on 1st Sunday in February, March & April with a special focus on the building project.
Thank you for your support.

For our estimated costings please click here